Question about 6/8 time (in MuseScore and in general)

• Nov 20, 2018 - 19:31

OK, so I'm a bit confused.

I've noticed that when using the 6/8 time signature, the MuseScore metronome clicks every 1/8 note up to the tempo of dotted quarter = 59 (which equates to 88 BPM), and every dotted quarter note from the tempo of dotted quarter = 60 upwards (which equates to 90 BPM upwards).

Why is that?

Also, in general which tempo marking do you think would be appropriate for a 6/8 piece with a tempo of dotted quarter = 60 - 62 ?
Would it be Andante, since it equates to 90 - 93 BPM?

Thank you in advance for your your help, folks :-)


6/8 (or any/8) time signature is more open to interpretation than most x/4 and x/2 time signatures. Sometimes the 8th note gets the beat, sometimes it's the dotted 1/4. MuseScore made the compromise to make <60 have the 8th get the beat and =>60 the dotted 1/4 gets the beat. Though in a given score this may be different. The names of tempos also vary from composer to composer, that's why you often see "Andante. M.M. dotted 1/4 note = 60-62" to clarify this. I've seen every variation on this. the 8th, quarter and dotted quarter = 90-93. If it is not explicit in the tempo mark, you have to rely on tradition for the given piece.

Tempo marks are probably the item in music with the widest possible interpretation and also has the greatest effect on the final performance.

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