Cross-Staff Beaming with Ottava

• Nov 22, 2018 - 16:29

When I entered the same thing in the first and last 4 notes of this measure (two octaves apart) but moved the second group in the LH up to the RH, it displayed the last 4 notes an octave apart (though still playing back as 2 octaves apart).

I think this is a bug? I asked some people and they said that the LH notes that were moved into the RH staff should still be transposed by the ottava (and thus should be an octave lower than they are now).


In reply to by Kaphita

The notes, even though visually moved to the other staff are physically attached to the original staff. To verify this select and note on the top staff and see which staff it's assigned to, then select a note moved to the other staff and see it is really on its original (the other) staff. Note: the status bar at the bottom left of the MuseScore screen is where this info is reported.

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