Deleting Rests

• Nov 26, 2018 - 11:20

I have copied T and B parts from short score into two separate staves. When I select and delete one of the two voices I am left with rests all the way through. I can hide these but would like to get of them altogether. How can I do this please?


From the Handbook:
"Be careful not to confuse the concept of MuseScore voices (1, 2, 3, 4) with the order of voices found in vocal scores (SATB etc.). In particular, when creating a closed SATB score, use only (MuseScore) voices 1 and 2 for both upper and lower staves. There is no need to use (MuseScore) voices 3 and 4 unless there are more than two parts in the same staff."

To fix:
Use exchange voices to put T and B into voices 1 and 2.

I just re-read your post...
If you copied T into one staff and B into a different staff, then each should be in voice 1 on their respective staves.
Then any extranoeus rests (other than voice 1) may be deleted.

To reiterate and provide more detail - you need to make sure you are using voice 1 for each staff. Probably the B part was originally in voice 2, you need to move it to voice 1 using Edit / Voices. Then if there are rests leftover in voice 2, you can delete them by pressing Ctrl+A to select all, opening View / Selection Filter, disabling voice 1 from the selection (leaving only voice 2 selected), press Delete, then re-enabling voice 1.

If you continue to have trouble, please attach your score so we can understand and assist better.

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