Decreasing measure stretch

• Nov 27, 2018 - 23:08

I am trying to decrease the measure stretch in a composition I wrote. Certain measures --- often for no obvious reason--- are stretched to the extent that there is only one measure to the the width of the page. I tried going into 'Layout' and 'Decrease Stretch' as well as 'Reset Stretch' but that has not effected any change. I am using Musescore 2, although I would not think that is the reason for the difficulty. Thank you for your help

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You have entered system breaks and the system above it does not have room for the measure in question so it's on a line by itself. You need to select this measure plus all of the measures you want on a system and press { several times to see if it'll fit. If not, you need to rethink your layout. Either move system breaks around or reduce the scaling of the entire score in the menu Layout->Page settings.

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