Pro on the app but not on the website

• Dec 2, 2018 - 02:26

Hey everyone,

I am currently using MuseScore basic. The MuseScore mobile app told me that they have renewed their payment/subscriptions system, and since I have already been using MuseScore, I am now getting free lifetime access to all of the features on the app. Apparently, this makes me a pro member because when I view my profile on the app, it has the green "pro" box next to my name. However, when I check my profile on the actual website, it says that I am not a pro member and that I have the option to pay for it. I'm confused. Does this mean that I am only a pro member on the app? Why isn't it showing up on the website? I've attached the message the MuseScore app gave me and a photo on the app of the green "pro" box next to my account name.

Thanks in advance,

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I am having pretty much the same problem. Except I had baught pro. I really don't want to have to buy pro on two different accounts. Have you found a solution yet?

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