Edit Text style

• Dec 2, 2018 - 10:09

In M2 the Text is resizable etc in Style/Text.

In Beta its under Format/Style and then it is necessary to hunt right down to the bottom of the list and find Text Styles which is initially hidden from my view. Probably because I have gone big!! But it is still three steps and the third step is big.
But I think this is a pain. Not actually a bug, but I will be cursing. I personally spend more time changing the text (usually making the bar numbers larger) than other things in the list.
I play with U3A: our members are from about 62 to nearly 90. We like Musescore. We use it as a practice tool. I call it the virtual recorder consort. We can play along so then can learn where your part fits in.


Indeed, templates and style files have been around a long time. One thing that is new - you don't need to go to a dialog at all when customizing text styles in 3.0 - you can do it directly from the Inspector. Click a measure number (or any other element), up the size, press the "set as style" button to the right. The style for that element is automatically updated. Really, the main reason you should ever need Format / Style / Text Styles is for creating style files and templates where you want to preset everything and then re-use the information. Even then though, after opening Format / Style and clicking one of the entries at left (or pressing Tab to get there), just hit the End key and you get right to the Text Styles section.

citizenz... for you to try...
1. Open one of your existing U3A scores (with all the recorders, notes, etc.) then save as 'U3A' into the 'Templates' folder in MuseScore.
2. In MuseScore, create a new score by pressing Ctrl+N (or use menu item: File -> New...); click next (or enter the info.); then choose the U3A template, which now appears under 'Custom Templates' in the choose template window of the New Score Wizard.

You're all set to write a new score for the U3A members!


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