Insert notes with duration on a beat
Is it possible to insert notes - even the same note, but by pressing the PC keyboard in different lengths + Metronome in the background so that the notes appear in the rhythm I want?
(I have no problem changing the height of the notes after that, but my problem is that I find it difficult to write rhythmic notes with appropriate musical breaks)
See the Handbook under "note input" and scroll to the section on "real time" note input. Or click this link :-)
In reply to See the Handbook under "note… by Marc Sabatella
Hey thanks! I've checked this option but that's not what I mean ... I want to type sounds in different lengths, including pauses between sounds so that the program will recognize the sound intervals and sound lengths according to the metronomic rhythm in the background
In reply to Hey thanks! I've checked… by j5534943
so enter notes and rests of different durations, just as decribed in that handbook page
In reply to Hey thanks! I've checked… by j5534943
That is exactly what the "real time automatic" method allows. If you don't have a MIDI keyboard, you can use the View / Piano Keyboard window. Have you tried this? Just enable real time note input mode, start the metronome as described in the Handbook (using numeric Enter key or redefine the shortcut), and click the piano keyboard keys as desired. As you hold a key, the note gets longer, when you release and wait, rests get entered. Just as you are describing.
In reply to That is exactly what the … by Marc Sabatella
Hey Marc Sabatella, listen, I've found and I understood exactly what you are talking about with the automatic rhythm. But, it does not seem to work well. I click on the virtual keyboard notes and it does not catch everyone. Especially in playing fast notes.
I have a request for you - maybe you would agree to record a video of your screen with all what we talking about: The metronome running in the background and you tap the virtual piano keys something, like lets say the beginning of Stevie Wonder's Sir Duke? Just the first sentence, without the exact notes, only the keystrokes of the beat to get a correct pattern.
Would you agree? Do not understand what I'm doing wrong ...
In reply to Hey Marc Sabatella, listen,… by j5534943
You have to set the minimum duration first, as explained in the Handbook. So, probably sixteenth in your case. How about you post a video of your best attempt, and we let you know how you do better?
In reply to You have to set the minimum… by Marc Sabatella
Okay, so take a look at this video:
Hope it will give you some idea of my experience.
There is no sound in the file, but what I did is just tap the mouse (on a random note as you can see) the rhythm of the opening of Sir Duke of Stevie Wonder. [This is the purpose as we discussed earlier, to place the musical notes in the correct rhythmic order, and then I will simply change the height of the notes manually].
The first sounds somehow got absorbed, but later just went horribly, what do you suggest doing ...? :-)
In reply to Okay, so take a look at this… by j5534943
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I don't see you holding down the key - you are clicking them immediately releasing it. You need to hold each as long as you want it notated.
In reply to Maybe I'm misunderstanding,… by Marc Sabatella
This is not clear in video - but I certainly hold the notes in different lengths (as the notes in Sir Duke are different in length)
Even so, it still does not work.
Can I request, again, of course if it's okay with you - get a short video of you trying to do it?
Alternatively, what is your assessment of the problem?
In reply to This is not clear in video -… by j5534943
Hey! Does anyone have an answer? :-) Long time...
In reply to Hey! Does anyone have an… by j5534943
Still looks quite apparent to from the video you aren't holding the notes out - I see the highlighting disappear too quickly and the durations don't accumulate. i suppose your mouse could be at fault, sending mouse down & up message together even though you are holding button down.
In reply to Still looks quite apparent… by Marc Sabatella
Can I request, again, of course if it's okay with you - get a short video of you trying to do it?
The opening of Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder
In reply to Can I request, again, of… by j5534943
Hey! Does anyone have an answer? :-) Long time...