MS3 Beta

• Dec 13, 2018 - 12:25

Hi folks,

I thought I'd download Beta and try it out.

Yesterday, I edited a current piece of work from 2.3.2 using Beta, and saved it as per request at close down.

Today I am unable to bring the piece up on Beta - I am informed that

"Cannot read file C:\Users\PG\Documents\MuseScore3\Scores\Whimsy 2.mscz:

This score was saved using a newer version of MuseScore.

Visit the MuseScore website to obtain the latest version."

It continues:
"Cannot read file............bad format"
And 'details':
"XML read error at line 1424 column 18 keysig"

How do I get the work to present in 3Beta?



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