guitar fretboard diagrams

• Jul 20, 2014 - 22:56


Are guitar fretboard diagrams available to implement with lyrics and perhaps a couple more instruments (piano) available within the current Musescore build?

I know that once we have all the right mechanics in one place, then we can build a handy template to use for more than one song- because the same instruments have followed us to the next song.

However, are guitar fretboard diagrams still a feature request??

Its difficult to determine if guitar fretboard diagrams themselves -having been here at for over five years are even a reality.

Thank you.



Guitar fretboard diagrams have been in the development builds for some time now, so it is pretty safe to say they will be in 2.0. Not sure what you mean about lyrics and piano - those have been in all released versions of MuseScore. If you just mean can fretboard diagrams be used in conjunction with those, the answer is yes. They can be attached to any staff - doesn't have to be a guitar staff.

BTRW, it's very simple to find out what might be in 2.0 - just download a nightly build using the Download link in the menu at right of this page!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


Well 2.0 has been touted for years with Wikipedia saying you have no real release date forthcoming.

I don't mind at all attaching guitar fret chord diagrams if the promise of generating a template is on the horizon.

I'm glad we can have quite a few instruments on one (lead) sheet for the contemporary/pop/rock/jazz writer.

What are the best search words to use- and where- here at Musescore (versus Google search)?

Musescore still has "hard stops" when you have a search with more than two words.

Meaning: no search results at all will return when entering a term such as 'guitar fret diagrams/guitar chord diagrams' when you're not in the right search box at either or

I've trimmed my words to one term with no avail either.

A visitor is compelled to use Google.

-I just want to get started with a Musescore template for myself and my contemporary stringed instrument music students.



In reply to by peekpen

I don't really understand your question. Are you asking how to create a template? A template is just a regular MuseScore file. Create a score with the instruments you want, select all measures and delete them, then save it to MuseScore's template folder.

If your question is how to set up the score on the first place, maybe explaon more what you are trying to do. People here are happy to help!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


Where -specifically- can we find good documentation on how to do an above-average job of adding/placing guitar chord/fret diagrams into a multiple instrument score?

Perhaps some keywords or some key links?

I think that we have established that built-in/push-button availability with the current Musescore version (July 20, 2014) is not a current reality.

Thank you.



In reply to by peekpen

You can't find any documentation of how to add fret diagrams, because that feature does not exist in any released/supported version of MsueScore. As I said, it's coming in 2.0, and when that is released, there will be documentation. But right now, there is nothing to document - there is no support for fret diagrams in the current version of MuseScore.

As I also mentioned, you are are welcome to download an experimental nightly development build if you wish to play with the feature (you'll find the fret diagrams in the Symbols palette). But since this is not a released product, you won't find documentation. I think you'll find it pretty self-explanatory, though. Also, as the warnings on the nightly build clearly state, this is all experimental not-ready-for-release software, so do *not* rely on it for real work. The reason to play with it would be to check out what's to come and report any bugs you find.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Its not true that people have not written and had success in adding chord/fret diagrams man!

At this point, give up your control of this thread and refer me to someone else at musescore!

You are misleading a poster.

Past threads with your name on it will reveal you having a modus operandi of being obtuse and therefore usurping peoples time for your own inscrutable purposes!

I will not abandon this thread in disgust but instead exercise my right to another cooperative but unbiased member of this online entity!

You and musescore are simply exasperating man!


In reply to by peekpen

What do you mean "give up your control of this thread"? Marc doesn't control the thread - or I wouldn't be able to stick my oar in! I'm sure there's just a simple misunderstanding between you and him, though. I generally find Marc to be very well informed about what can be done in MuseScore and pretty reasonable in the way he expresses himself. I'm absolutely certain he has no intention of being obtuse or of usurping people's time for his own inscrutable purposes - though I like the idea, if only I could do that myself ;-)

In reply to by peekpen

excuse me, I do not speak English (For detailed explanations entrust myself to Marc)

I downloaded Nightly:
I opened a score;
I added the instrument (Plucked Strings / Classical Guitar Tablature);
From the Symbol Palette I dragged the Fretboard Diagram;
Right-click and select: Fretboard Diagram Properties ...;
In the tab, with just a few clicks, I set the chord that I need;
Holding down Ctrl + Shift and dragged into the palette;
I redid the steps above to get the common chord.


It may be useful to you?

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In reply to by peekpen

I am quite honestly mystified by your comments. I can assure you the current released version of MuseScore contains no fretboard digram facility. If you've seen people discuss adding fretboard diagrams, they are either using experimental nightly development builds like I am suggesting you try, or else they are creating the diagrams as graphics in other software then adding them via drag & drop. Or I guess maybe attempting draw their own in MuseScore using lines.

But feel free to not believe me and wait for others to join in and tell you the exact same thing. I am trying to help, not mislead, you.

You're welcome.

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