Refund Request

• Dec 30, 2018 - 17:36

I believe MuseScore has some IT problems or are having sneaky business practices. I was interested in getting PRO so I could download some sheet music for violin, it was great and liked it. Although I only needed it for that time and thought of buying monthly membership again once I wanted to get some more sheet music. Well I signed up for PRO with the Apple app. I first had to create an account and I suppose I linked my Paypal account to the account as well. I understood that refunds would not be granted so I made a reminder to cancel the membership before Dec 28. I canceled my membership days before the 28 through my Apple app subscriptions. I thought all was good until I got a charge from PayPal of $49 which I did not authorize.
I have contacted MuseScore and have not gotten a reply back. I requested a refund as I believe this was a problem on there part not my.
Also, MuseScore is the only company that charges a full annual price after a trial. All companies I’ve had a trial from starts with the monthly rate first so things like this don’t happen. This is sneaky business from MuseScore and I believe should be changed.
My question is, how can MuseScore see my problem and fix it?

Below are photos of my subscription and how I clearly canceled it before it was renewed.


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