• Jul 24, 2014 - 03:16

Any ideas? Have a friend who has composed a song with four verses, refrain and two voltas (first and second, of course). When Musescore plays it, she wants: the first two verses, refrain and first ending followed by the last two verses, refrain and second ending. I have tried EVERYTHING but to no avail. I am thinking that it is in the "volta properties" toolbar, but have tried everything in that portion also. Any ideas? Thanks a 1,000,000!


Two commenys that cannot be repeated often enough:

1. It's eelly difficult to help unless you post the acore you are having trouble with

2. MuseScore is meant as a notation program, that happens to have some playback facilities. In general, don't expect it to be able to assemble and playback any possible order of verses, refrains. When prodicing music for human musicians to read, you can possible put text instructions to explain to the musicians what you want them to do - although this tends to be extremely error prone on real life and you are often better off just writing out all the sections rather than producing complicated roadmaps. And for computer playback purposes, this may often be necessary.

...try to keep it simple.
MuseScore does not handle things like jumping out of repeats, skipping over measures, and other potentially ambiguous instructions.
See attachment.


Attachment Size
Playback.mscz 3.15 KB

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