Don't accept your answer.
I have just received this answer from you:
You get that message every time you open a file from a pre-3.0 version. Once you saved that (into a different file!) and open that saved version you won't get that message again. But if you just open the same pre-3.0 file again, you of course get that message again
I am given the option to overwrite the existing file, so I assume that the old file is replaced.
Your message does not tell me to save the file with a new name. Why not?
I also have a new problem. I file I just sent you is not the one I worked on yesterday. It is an old version. I saved the file several times yesterday. Where did the newer versions go to?
Please tell me how to reinstall MuseScore 2. I was satisfied with that version.
I have previously recommended your product to friends. I shall no longer do so. If I do not get a satisfactory response from you soon, I shall use another music editor instead.
See #282573: Continued problems
This here is the issue tracker, for reporting bugs. Support questions are dealt with in the forums