Color and size text - chord

• Feb 4, 2019 - 10:30

Is not possible change text color and text size for chord symbols in menu text styles.
Please excuse my bad English.


It is possible to do so.
However, the visual update is problematic. (in version :, revision: a8b90a8) see: #280950: Text style style changes not applied to existing chord symbols

Click on any chord symbol.
1. Set a desired color (color bar at the top) from the Inspector (F8 to toggle) and press the [s] button on the rightmost side of the same level.
2. Do the same for the text size.
Now you see the changes you made on the chord-symbol you just selected. However, it's all updated but the software can't show you this right now.
3. Just save the document. Close. and open again.
Surprise: You will see that all chord symbols match the setting you have chosen.

I think it will be fixed in the next update.

Attachment Size
color-1.gif 1.17 MB

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