measure range selection/deselection, measure stretch/contract in v3 NG

• Feb 15, 2019 - 19:42

measure range selection/deselection, measure stretch/contract in v3 not working predictably or not at all.
Win10 Pro

Attachment Size
Moment's Notice.mscz 13.35 KB


What are you trying to do?

I'm looking closer at the score and see that measure 5 is a mile long and has a bunch of barlines inserted in it. It looks like there are 13 measures, but there is only 1. To use a barline to split a measure you need to use ctrl+drag the barline.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks for responding. I would love to get Musescore 3 working properly as I now only have v.2 running on a small screen laptop.

In Musescore2 this was not an issue. Now, with V3 running on a Win10 64bit platform, both the measure selection and expand/contract measures do not work sometimes, or work improperly. I cannot select individual measures once a range is selected. I cannot disable range selection. I cannot controllably select ranges….nothing happens at the end point.

Both of these worked together to layout measures per staff before in a controllable fashion. I cannot find any new tools that would enable/disable this issue.

When opening the score I attached, does the measure selection, both for individual and range, work properly? Including de-selection? Does the Shift+{ and Shift+} work properly for all measures, whether singly or range, work properly. They DO NOT in my install.

Also, I now have to manually insert each bar line as the note writing no longer automatically moves to the next measure, but just keeps writing, as if it does not recognize the time signature.

Note: v2 would not install on 2 of my win10 computers. V3 installed, but seems to have some of its functionality corrupted.

In reply to by soundidea

You seem to have done something very wrong after bar 7 - it appears what follows is actually just one long measure where you have manually inserted barlines to make it appear to be separate measures. So that is why you can't select portions of that measure individually - it really is one giant measure. I am guess you accidentally combined a whole bunch of measures into one, such as using Tools / Measure / Join Selected Measures, or by selecting the barlines that were originally present and pressing Delete. You have a few other measures like this also.

In reply to by soundidea

It seems you entire concept of entering notes needs to be reexamined.

When you start with an empty score with the proper time signature, all you have to do is enter notes. Measures will grow wider to accommodate notes until there are too many beats, at which point the next note will automatically be entered into the next measure. There is no need to manually enter barlines or do anything else to alter the length of a measure.

When you enter a note, press the length (1-9) if the note then the name (a-g). Use shift + a note name if you need to add notes to a chord.

Doing this will allow you to use stretch or system breaks to put the number of measures you want on a system. you have combined 13 measures into a single measure that has lines in it.

Let us know if we need to help you with anything else.

In reply to by mike320

Indeed, I see now that the whole score is messed up in this way, consisting of a few huge measures with manually inserted barlines. It's as if you started out by doing one enormous "Join Measures" operation that started entering notes and then started manually inserting barlines. By the way, I lied when I said electing barlines then clicking "Delete" would also join measures - it's actually Ctrl+Delete. I knew that, but got confused because when I trie don your score, Delete did the job. Now I see it's because those weren't real barlines to begin with; they were manually inserted ones.

Hmm, come to think of it, it probably wasn't either of these - you probably didn't use Join Measure or Ctrl+Delete. Instead, I think you tried entering notes in the new "timewise" note input mode. This actully inserts notes into a measure growing it bigger and bigger. Not what you want normally, it's only for very specific purposes like creating non-metered music.

In reply to by mike320

I can't find a way to reduce the vertical space between the staffs, and also raise the top staff a bit. I need the staffs with the default line spacing, but need to have more staffs on the page and then squeeze in the chords and any notes. I thought I had done this in v.2, but don't see it now.

In reply to by soundidea

In Format->Style->Page decrease the Min system distance. Sine there is only one instrument, each staff/instrument is a system. This will allow the systems to be close to each other. Putting anything between, like text or notes on ledger lines, the staves may increase this distance.

In reply to by soundidea

Hi Mark,
Thanks again for looking at this.
Thanks for the explanation. That is what I have been doing for the last 20 scores in v2, on the win 7 platform.

As I explained, I had to add the barlines manually because the note entry DID NOT move to the next measure automatically, as it normally does.

I will start over with a blank, but suspect the problem is a bug related to the OS handling. Or maybe because v3 did a conversion to an existing template and the old style .mss had a conversion issue.

I’ll post again with the results. Hopefully

In reply to by soundidea

OK. I removed the barlines that I had added manually, then selected all I had written and copied the notation. Then opened a new score and choose the jazz leadsheet for the style. I then pasted in the notation and it flowed properly by measure. All the measure tools now work properly for fine control. I then choose a saved ms style sheet I had created earlier and it re-formatted properly, and now the tools continue to work properly. Hooray!

All is well now. Earlier I did not select any global program tools and the issue started right at the beginning of the notation writing. I do IT work and suspect there was a conversion issue with the score template from v2 to v3 and then saving the style sheet in v3.

Now I can get back to work combining the 3 written arrangement versions I have of of the song to what I want to play on both my flute and alto sax. Thanks again for paying attention.

In reply to by soundidea

Did you miss my response earlier? I am quite sure the reason you weren't moving to the next measure automatically in note input is that you had (accidentally?) enabled "Timewise" note input mode, in which notes are inserted into the current measure. Has nothing to do with importing from MuseScore 2 or anything to do wiht your OS - you probably inadvertently clicked the Timewise option in the dropdown menu under the N icon for note input mode on the toolbar.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Could have been, but maybe not. Once I deleted the manually entered bars and copied all the notation/opened one of the existing styles/pasted in the notation, then all was well and the program responded normally. It is all fine now. I just re-created the style as needed. I had created/copied about 20 short scores earlier and have a rough handle on the basics. Thanks for checking back. Nice that the forum is so responsive. Makes it good to address issues and learn new things! I'll post the lead sheet for "Moment's Notice" when I finish combining the Coltrane and Real Book arrangements. Thanks to you and Mike. Nelson

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