Unbelievably Slow

• Mar 8, 2019 - 00:44
Reported version
S3 - Major

Try to write a score with more than 10 or so instruments and it becomes horrible. It takes several seconds between clicking to place a note on the staff to the note appearing on the staff. It is really really slow. I love musescore and I love composing music, but this makes producing large scale scores (like I prefer to do) nearly impossible.


Status active needs info

And please attach your score. Could be an issue specific to that. I've written scores for way more than 10 instruments and not had problems until I got into the hundreds of measures.

Musescore 3. It's the version that just replaced Musescore 2. Sorry, forgot to clarify that.
The score attached is the one I've been working on for a while now and it started out as a Musescore 2 score, but had to be converted to Musescore 3 format. I've made scores that were larger than this on version 2 with no problems. Any help would be appreciated.

Attachment Size
Hourglass_-_Set_It_Off.mscz 47.42 KB

We mean, which MuseScore 3 release, specifically? See Help / About. As mentioned, the current release 3.0.4 is actually significantly faster than 2.3.2 in general.

Anyhow, I loaded your score and attempted to time how long an edit took, but it was too fast for me to time. I'd estimate 1/10 second per edit? Be sure not to have the Timeline or Navigator open if you want speedier updates.

Note though if you're concerned with speed, you shouldn't be clicking to add notes, keyboard is always going to be much more efficient. Also, Page View is going to significantly faster than Continuous, and for scores with enough instruments to fill a page, there is no real advantage to Continuous view anyhow. Ypu'll want to choose a larger page size and/or smaller staff size; right now it doesn't fit at all.