The Sextuple hooks!
Can you add the sextuple hook? Do you know how to make him ? If he plaut you? Has you he an add-on there to put him in Musescore 2.0??
Moreover, there are only one or two music software with one multiply by six tongs?? And why not Musescore in more? Furthermore he is famous!
Bye for now!!!!
You asked a similar question back in Oct 2013 and were asked to try and explain better because the terms you used are unfamiliar. I suspect a major language barrier here.
"plaut you"?
"multiply by six tongs"?
"he is famous"? Who is?
I certainly don't understand what you are trying to say.
In reply to You asked a similar question by schepers
Furthermore, in Musescore, I saw that only once like that...
And faudrais to put also the microtones because they work not.... Unfortunately....
In reply to 2 by Jajan
Ah, you mean 256'th notes.
Non, MuseScore 2.0 ne supportera pas les sextuples croches. On ne les trouve que peu dans la littérature existantes. Il y a toujours des exceptions mais pour l'instant, MuseScore 2.0 ne supportera "que" les quintuples croches.
Si tu n'es pas sûr de ton anglais, tu peux utiliser le forum francophone:
In reply to Non, MuseScore 2.0 ne by [DELETED] 5
Heureusement pour l'instant !
Regarde ici :
Unfortunately Jajan the tick resolution of MuseScore is not yet high enough to accommodate the demisemihemidemisemiquaver (256th note)