gate time

• Sep 23, 2009 - 16:23

MuseScore 0.9.5 R2012
WinXP Media Center V5.1 SP3

In writing arrangements I find that the "85%" rule for note duration in my midi piano output is so distracting that I consider this a "bug." I have attached a zip file of four midi examples. The results NOT marked with an "X" are the output from MuseScore. In the files with names ending in X, all the note durations have been extended to their full value. To me, the difference is noticeable and remarkable. It would sure be nice to abandon the "85% convention" so I don't have to continually edit midi files to get an accurate result. If gate times of less than 100% are important in some playback, maybe gate time can be offered as an adjustable parameter. Back in March Werner mentioned the possibility of making playback style instrument specific, but as far as I can tell, nothing has come of it. Perhaps we can resurrect this idea.

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