Parts are in different key than score.

• Apr 30, 2019 - 03:39

Hopefully this is just something stupid that I'm not seeing. Running 3.05 on a Mac. This problem keeps manifesting itself a little differently each time I redo the parts. The attachment includes the first 8 bars of a bigband score. I always score in concert and then let the parts transpose. The score always shows the correct concert (Bb) and transposed keys. The individual parts are quirky however. Hopefully you'll see the same thing I see: the first two trumpets, when I first created the parts, transposed correctly, but then when I changed to concert and back to transposed again, they remain in the concert key (only in the parts, not the score). The 3rd and 4th trumpets I haven't touched so they appear to be in the proper transposed key (C). Previously I was seeing problems with the tenors and trumpets. So I deleted all parts and created all new parts and that's what I'm sharing with you. Is it me?

Attachment Size
I See You - 1st 8.1.mscz 58.78 KB


There is a known but where the parts key is messed up if you create parts while in concert pitch. Make sure you are viewing the score in transposed pitch when you create parts.

The bug is known, and should be fixed in the new 3.1 beta. (Saving the score while being in concert pitch was the problem, if I remember correctly).
To "repair" your broken part try giving it its correct key signature as you would do normally (->Palettes, ->Key signatures). Creating the part new would do it, too, of course.

I went with mike320's suggestion and it worked great. Thanks to both of you, mike320 and olivo for your help. I thought I was going crazy!

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