How do I turn off the midi sound output from my e-piano playing on my laptop?

• May 8, 2019 - 20:27

I hope the thread is in the right place/subject here, otherwise I'm sorry & please feel free to move it.
I connected my E-Piano to my laptop with midi and I'm trying to write some sheets using the real time automatic mode. However, since my laptop is repeating the notes I play with a big latency, I am getting very confused and can't keep up with the timing. Turning the general volume down isn't an option because I'll need the metronome in muse score. Sounding notation (? idk the english term for sure) is turned off but it still plays the midi input, whether I am recording or not.

Thank you for replies,


I'm not quite understanding if you want to kill the sound on your keyboard or in MuseScore, but for the latter, try View / Play Panel, which gives independent control of the playback & metronome. You could also use View / Synthesizer to delete the soundfont.

Hello, I had the same question and had a bit of trouble figuring this out, so sharing here for future searchers. In MuseScore 3 you need to go 'Preferences' menu -> 'Note Input' -> uncheck 'Play Notes when Editing'. None of the panes like Play or Mixer let me mute the midi instrument only.

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