Trills dynamics variation in a single note... Doesn't work?

• Jun 1, 2019 - 21:12

Hi, Gang!!!

I wonder if I did something wrong or it is a bug...

I am using the last MuseScore 3.1 Portable AppImage in Ubuntu Studio 18.04.2 (64 bit Linux).

I wrote a whole note in the first bar.

Then, I put a "tr" on a whole note in the first bar.

Then, I put a "ppp" dynamic symbol on the same note.

Then, I wrote a new whole note in the second bar.

Then, I put a "fff" in that second note.

Then, I put a rising hairpin between two notes.

The expected sound effect was: A constant rising audio level trill, from almost zero dB to the maximun level, but... I didn't get this!!!

Did I do something wrong? ???

Or... is it a bug???

Please, see the file and lend me a hand... Please!!!

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!


Attachment Size
Trills dyamics test.mscz 5.2 KB


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