Musescore 3.1 not working, breaks after pick work screen

• Jun 2, 2019 - 01:18

I just upgraded to 3.1 directly to 2.1. I loved 2.1, but I am really hating my 3.1. Currently, it will load up the thing where you can select your scores, but nothing else. Not even the original score in the background. I still have 2.1 installed, just incase, thankfully keeping it. I have completely uninstalled 3.1, reinstalled, no dice. Exact same problem. Additionally, when I hit new score, it just has a stroke. I have to use task manager to put it out of its misery. I really want to use it in order to start using stuff like the drumline extension. Please help me out.


In reply to by mike320

MS3 will launch with the blue box with the logo and all that jazz, then it will load up to the point where you can select a new score, or one I have already worked on. It does not load up the untitled new score with the treble staff like it does in MS2.1. I am not sure if that is a different feature. I can click on new score, but after that, it just does nothing, and it still has that screen loaded, but I cannot view it.

In reply to by GaussFrigate

In edit->Preferences you have Restore last session (or whatever it's called) selected. When you open the New Score wizard, your window is off the screen for some reason. I suggest that since you just installed it you use Help->Revert to factory settings to restore default settings for version 3. This will open MuseScore with the start center and also reset the window locations.

In the future, you can try one of the other options in if the window is off the screen like this, or you could just set the preferences and use one of these methods to restore your window.

In reply to by mike320

Okay that's great to know what my problem is. Where do I locate Help>Factory Default then if it is offscreen. I can get music to yell at me now, (its not very nice to hear ride by Sam Hazo screaming at you) I probably could do that in the first place. I have the start center open, but if help is on the main thing, then I need to know how to key that stuff in.

In reply to by GaussFrigate

Help is the menu at the far right of the menu bar. Restore factory settings is one of the menu items.

If the music is too loud, open the synthesizer (menu View->Synthesizer) and lower the master volume on the right side of the synthesizer. I suggest that you open the synthesizer and click the play button and move the master volume so it never shows in the red (-20). Otherwise use your speaker or windows master volume if it's still too loud.

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