Not all instruments playing
Hello guys, I have a little problem with playing back my score and hope that you can help me out there.
I scanned a printed score with sharpEye2, saved the sites from there as MIDI-files. Then I created the fitting project with all intruments in musescore. I opened the MIDI-files one by one in musescore an copy-pasted the notes to my score. Then I went ahead and fixed scan issues, added dynamics, articulation and so on. My problem now is that the instruments mostly dont play, when I hit play. Only a few random notes are played (I think that this are all the notes that I added by hamd later on, because the drumset is playing). When I crank all my system Volumes to +12dB, so full maximum, I can hear them play very quiet, but the notes that play in "normal mode" are very loud then. I already did reset musescore to factory defaults which didn't solve my problem. Any idea what that coud be ? I attached the beginning of the song, so you can have a look.
By the way: Sorry if my english has some mistakes, I'm a student from Germany.
Greetings Tom
Attachment | Size |
FD.mscz | 14.75 KB |
See if helps. It should since a velocity of 1 is almost inaudible.
In reply to See if… by mike320
Thaks a lot! That totally solved my problem.
The notes in the MIDI file are set to be extremely quiet, I can see this looking at the Velocity settings in the Inspector. If that's not what you want, you can clear those settings by doing Ctrl+A to select all, clicking Notes in the Inspector, then the reset buttons next to both velocity settings.
EDIT: huh, for some reason I didn't see at first this had already been answered...