Questions marks appearing instead of spaces in lyrics
Hello. I'm very new to MuseScore and I apologise if this has been asked already. I did a search and couldn't find an answer.
I'm entering lyrics and have several words within a note so am using 'Ctrl-space' to provide a space and prevent the editor from jumping to the next note. Everything looks great on my PC (Windows10) while I'm editing… but when I move over to my iPad to play my piece, all the 'Ctrl-space'-s have been replaced by question marks. (E.g. 'It?might?look like this' where the first three words are attached to the same note). It's not the end of the world... but looks ugly.
Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong please?
Many thanks, Rob.
Sounds like whatever font is being used has an incompatibility. Are you using something other than the default? It's more likely an issue on the iPad side, though, so probbly better to ask in the support group for the iPad app over on
It is an issue with the mobile app. The android version had/has the same.
Please report in