Automatic orchestration from piano chord
Is there a feature that can automatically split a piano chord between instruments as a composer would when orchestrating? Say your base cleff chord has 4 notes, maybe musescore can give options for 4 different instruments in appropriate/ corresponding ranges to choose from. Maybe the composer picks genre, like jazz, and a few recommendations of jazz instruments are given. Once chosen, the chord is split between the instruments.
Yesn't and Noes.
What you can do is a simple explode of the chord into separate staves. What you don't get is any kind of intelligence as for which note goes into which instrument, nor how melodic or range-abiding the result is.
See Tools → Explode
In reply to Yesn't and Noes. What you… by jeetee
That is a super useful feature. Thanks.
In reply to check… by Jojo-Schmitz
I just checked it out. It's a great time saver. Thanks for the link.