Shortcuts not added on update

• Jul 16, 2019 - 14:40

A few people have mentioned they do not have the shortcuts for paste half and paste double in versions after 3.1. From talking to people, it seems the problem is that they upgraded from a 3.0 version to 3.2. Is there a way to automatically add in these shortcuts in the future, or do we just need to tell these people how to add them?


Where have you seen people mentioning the shortcuts not working? The issue I know about is that the MDL extension defines it's own customized menus and left those commands out.

Normally new shortcuts would be picked up in an update, but I can imagine cases where if they've customized them and saved and loaded those customizations, maybe they'd be locked in?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

On more than one occasion (maybe 2 or 3 more) people have said thei paste half/double shortcuts didn't exist. The latest was in, so I asked what his last version was and he told me it was 3.0.1. Since his shortcuts are not defined, this tells me there is a problem with shortcuts updating. If it makes a difference he's on PCLinuxOS, this probably makes a difference and he's the first I've actually talked to who about missing shortcuts.

In reply to by mike320

Could be something about the build for that version. But actually, as I think about it, I think maybe any customization of shortcuts means you won't pick up new shortcuts in an update, because we read your shortcut definitions in rather than ours. Probably that is what happened here.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The reset buttons in Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts also work. So if you know which the new / changed commands are, you can just click the "Reset Shortcut to Default", or if you just want to pick up all potential new settings, "Reset All Preferences To Default" (although this of course removes other customizations in that dialog too).

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