Template problem : not saving notes or length in version 3

• Jul 18, 2019 - 14:52

I created a short 8 bar score with 4 instruments, Guitar, Piano, Bass and drums.

I set the guitar part to 'not visible' and added a drum track.

I made sure I was logged in as Administrator and saved the score to:
c:\program files\musescore3\templates\09_ejb_jazz_v1.mscx

When I opened a new score and asked it to use my template it came in with 32 bars and no notes or drum track. The guitar part also came in 'visible'.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Templates are scores and you have surmised. When you use the template to create a new score, all existing notes are deleted a long with just about everything except the style settings and instrument definitions. One "style" that is ignored is invisible staves, they are made visible. The number of measures is determined by the number used in the new score wizard.

For what you want, I suggest that you save the score in you scores directory and use the operating system to lock it so you don't overwrite it by accident. When you want to create a new score from it, open the score and immediately use Save as... to create a new file so you don't for get later. One problem with this is that you will have to manually enter the Title both in the score properties and the score itself, but this isn't a terrible inconvenience. I suspect most everything else will be essentially the same, though you may decide to change something like the Creation Date in the score properties..

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