Linked staff added above existing staff corrupt

• Aug 8, 2014 - 17:59
S2 - Critical

Ubuntu 14.04, GIT commit: 5a616ff

1) new score for guitar tab
2) add some notes
3) "I"
4) select staff
5) add linked staff
6) change type to standard
7) "Up" to move above original
8) OK

Result: the new staff appears, but none of the notes from the original staff are present, and adding notes to the original staff does not add them to the standard staff. The newly added staff is also devoid of measure rests, and it seems to be impossible to enter notes onto that staff. You can click on it, but when you press N, the cursor moves down to the tab staff.

It works if adding the new staff, you press OK without first moving it Up. Then if you return to the instruments dialog, you can move it up and it works fine. Only adding and moving in the same operation fails.

The same happens if you use two standard staves, BTW - the issue is with the linking, not with tab, in case there was any doubt.


Actually, even if you add the linked below, press OK, then go back and move it, there is still a problem. The page layout is wrong. The instrument name is too far to the left of the staff, and if you then add or delete notes in such a way as to change the number of measures per system, the measure numbers don't update properly. The measures that were formerly at the beginning of each system keep their numbers even when they aren't at the beginning of systems any more.

More specifically:

1) new score, guitar tab, 32 measures
2) enter two measures worth of quarter notes starting at beginning of score
3) "I"
4) add linked standard staff
5) OK
6) "I"
7) move standard staff above tab staff
8) OK

Result: staff names are positioned incorrectly

9) select all
10) delete

Result: the measure numbers for 13 & 29 (or whatever measures began the second & third systems - page size dependent) still appear, even though those measure numbers no longer begin systems

In the same order of operations, I have a crash (step #10) if you exit the note entry mode before "your" step #3 (initial message)


1) new score for guitar tab
2) add four quarter notes in two first measures
3) Press N key, to exit note entry mode
4) "I"
5) select staff
6) add linked staff
7) change type to standard
8) "Up" to move above original
9) OK
10) To return in note entry mode, Press N key
Result: crash

This crash, exactly in this same order of operations, occurs systematically since many weeks (I tried several Nigthlies until July 17, same result)