Strange behavior of Open Recent
The Open Recent feature in the Files menu is expected to present the last 15 files one has been working on. However, if one saves a file originally named A.mscz under a new name, such as A1.mscz, for instance to make some changes and have two different versions of the same basic score, the A.mscz is not included in the list. Instead, some strange names are listed, such as scunoPCK.mszc, seemingly versions of files that were recently open but with different names. The path is something like this:
even if I had the original score in a different folder (the one I have declared in the Score folder preference from the General Tab when installing the program). I guess MS keeps some sort of temporary version of the files in the aforementioned path.
It would be interesting that the last intentionally saved version of the original file appeared in the list instead of a temporary version.
These are autosave files
In reply to These are autosave files by Jojo-Schmitz
Oh, I see, thanks for the information. While very important if some crash happens before saving, it would be better that they were called the same with some suffix such as _asv. But what is definitely unexpected is that the last saved version of a file one has been just working on is not in the list of recent files just because one also saved it with another name.
In reply to Oh, I see, thanks for the… by fmiyara
The sc.. scores are files that are autosaved upon a crash only.
Regular autosave files have the same name as the score, with a dot in front and a comma at the end
In reply to The sc.. scores are files… by jeetee
Just in case the distinction is relevant: the auto-save files are actually always saved; it's just that normally they are deleted on a clean exit. It's only after a crash the autosave files will still be around. And even then, they shouldn't show as recent files unless you then choose to restore the previous session.
They have the cryptic names because they are present even before a score is saved thus doesn't have a valid filename.
In reply to Just in case the distinction… by Marc Sabatella
Thank you for the information. I don't remember exactly the sequence of operations I have been doing, since I regularly hybernate my computer over night and only when I notice it is becoming sluggish or malfuncutioning in some way I reboot (may be once a week). I'm sure i've had a few MuseScore crashes, and i have set to restore the previous session in normal cases, so the strange names are undoubtly the result of the combination of situations you mention.
But it is still strange that, without any crash in the middle, the file I had been workig on and saved with certain name only seconds before saving it again under other name just disappears from the list of recent files (not from its original path and name, of course). Not a big inconvenience, probably not even a bug, but I'm curious if it is intentional or just a case not considered.