How do you make the Mixer Panel Smaller?

• Aug 7, 2019 - 15:24

Is there a way to make the Mixer or other Panels smaller or larger?


Above the instrument names with the vertical volume bars there is a small triangle on a bar near the middle of the dialog box. You can click that and the top half of the mixer becomes hidden. That's really the only way to make the mixer smaller. Most of the side panels can be resized by dragging the bottom right corner of the dialog box when it is not anchored, otherwise anchored dialogs fill the height or width of the screen.

In reply to by george caere

sample screen.PNG

Here is a picture of my screen. I have dragged various dockable windows to the left side of my window. When the existing docked window turns blue, I release the window and they will become tabbed as in my picture. You can tile them by dragging the window a little higher or lower and you will see the current docked window shrink and a rectangle above or below it will turn blue and you can drop it there.

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