ideas for improvement
I have thought of two suggestions to improve Musescore:
In order to split chords across two staves I'd love to use the cross-staff icon/key shortcut since this will eliminate the need to do the workaround described at ( |
I'd also love beams to go across system breaks and page breaks (currently in musescore 4, beams only go over barlines).
I highly recommend the above to be added in the next update since most users will appreciate it. Do you think these are great ideas? And can you please pass these on to the Musescore development team?
In reply to See… by Jojo-Schmitz
That wasn't exactly what was going through my mind, but what should I do after reading the above posts? Should I comment on them to make my voice heard? Or what next?
In reply to Hi. That wasn't exactly what… by jquesadilla70
You can give them a 👍