Planning on self-publishing a Musescore project, have copyright questions.

• Sep 4, 2019 - 20:19

I am presently working on creating an english translation of one of Beethoven's works, originally published with german libretto by Breitkopf & Härtel. My intention is to see it both performed and recorded (perhaps it makes no difference, but nonetheless perhaps I should mention that obviously to a certain extent, the rhythms of the notes corresponding to the libretto in many instances also have to be altered to match the syllables of the new english libretto.)

Question #1
I imagine given my above stated intentions, and with the extreme number of hours it will take to complete, this is something that I would want to copyright?

Question #2
Would I even be able to copyright a new translation of one of Beethoven's piece?

Question #3
If I produce the score/etc. using musescore, and should it be copyrighted, performed, and money made from it, would I owe you guys a cut, or how does that all work?

By the way, I am in the United States, so that's is where it will be self-published, and likewise potentially performed, recorded etc.

Thank you all much in advance.


In reply to by Shoichi

As far as I know Beethoven owned the copyright not the publishing house, and based on scanning over some of the comments on it seems his works are no longer under copyright (and after all the original score for the piece in question is on, which I as far as I know, means it's public domain).

But as mentioned in the OP, it's not the same libretto that was was originally published by Beethoven/Breitkopf & Härtel, it's in an altogether different language, and is truly, a non-german speaking person's interpretation of the less-than-dependable translation provided by google translate, german-english dictionaries, etc. And as I had indicated previously, throughout the piece the notes (their time values anyways) will be changed/omitted as necessary to make the translation viable.

So while I'm no expert on legalize/copyrights, and based on some of the comments in the thread linked above, it seems to me it would be eligible. So I guess more than anything, I'm essentially seeking affirmation (or correction) from someone who knows for sure.

Thanks by the way for the link regarding musescore's commercial use policy.

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