Copyright symbol in Linux

• Sep 6, 2019 - 17:05

I have been unable to find out how to create the copyright symbol using musescore 3.2.3 running on a Linux Mint system. This question must have been answered before but I have been unable to find anything except for Window (0169) and that does not seem to work for me.


I just found it.... to bring up symbols then it is there.
Now another thing I can't figure out is how to get back into the score properties to update my copyright line. This is version 3 on Linux Musescore

Forget it guys, I have it all figure out, except the symbol table cannot be brought up while in the Score Properties, so I have to create a text line and add the symbol, then cut and paste it into the Score Properties.

In my opinion it's best to use the compose key. I have mapped caps lock as compose key on my computers. It allows me to simply press the compose key, then o followed by c to get ©.

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