Chord symbols: request to have separate horizontal / vertical min distance settings

• Sep 11, 2019 - 15:42
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

MS 3.2.3.

For chord symbols, "Minimum distance" in the Inspector is called "Minimum chord spacing" on the Style page. However, they both have the same effect on the score, so should be given the same name.


Actually, they shouldn't be the same. Minimum spacing is supposed to be about horizontal collisions, min distance vertical as it is with other elements. But they may indeed interact or be implemented using the same value currently. Needs further investigation.

Title Chord symbols: "Minimum distance" in Inspector is misnamed "Minimum chord spacing" on Style page Chord symbols: "Minimum chord spacing" on Style page affects vertical distances in error
Severity S5 - Suggestion S3 - Major
Type Wording/Translation Functional

See attached MS file:

  • On chord symbols not coupled to fretboard diagrams, changing "Minimum chord spacing" affects both vertical and horizontal distance. Expected result: Only horizontal distance should be affected?
  • On chord symbols coupled to fretboard diagrams, only vertical distance is affected. Expected result: Only horizontal distance should be affected?
Attachment Size
chord_symbol_spacing.mscz 7.65 KB
Severity S3 - Major S4 - Minor

As I recall, we had to "cheat" a little to still support the spacing settings from 2.x. And fretboard diagrams do not use the horizontal spacing at all, so it's to be expected that there is no effect there. So I'm not totally sure this isn't by design. In any case, for the real world use cases we were concerned with, it works well already. We can certainly consider additional settings for yet more independent control of horizontal and vertical spacing , though.

OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 465e7b6

  1. Open the attached score. Steadily increase the "Minimum chord spacing" (Format > Style > Chord symbols).
    Expected result: chord symbols move futher apart.
    Actual result: chord symbols move further apart and unexpectedly upwards. Also unexpected is the increase in "Minimum distance" in the Inspector.
  2. Reset the score, select all notes and steadily increase "Minimum distance" in the Inspector.
    Expected result/Actual result: The chord symbols move upwards.
  3. Click on the "Set as style" button
    Expected result: Nothing further should happen.
    Actual result: The chords move further apart AND the "Minimum chord spacing" changes accordingly (in Format > Style > Chord symbols)

IMV, a major bug rather than minor.

Attachment Size
min_chord_spacing.mscz 7.3 KB
Severity S4 - Minor S5 - Suggestion

Well, it's currently by design - we simply don't have separate style settings for the min horizontal distance and the regular autoplace min distance. But it's certainly a valid suggestion to add a new style setting to allow these to be controlled independently. Most elements don't have a horizontal distance setting at all, so there wasn't a good precedent for how to handle this. But, I note lyrics do. They didn't originally, it was added later, around the same time the general min distance setting was added for all elements.

Title Chord symbols: "Minimum chord spacing" on Style page affects vertical distances in error Chord symbols: request to have separater horizontal / vertical min distance settings
Title Chord symbols: request to have separater horizontal / vertical min distance settings Chord symbols: request to have separate horizontal / vertical min distance settings