Copy / paste guitar part from treble clef to tab results in all notes on one string

• Sep 13, 2019 - 22:14

I need to convert a part written in treble clef to regular guitar tab. I entered all the notes on the treble clef part, then added a guitar (tab) instrument. When I copy / paste to the tab, it puts all the notes to be played on the top E string.

Weird because I have to do two songs. The first one worked, but the second one leads to this problem. Any help for this newbie much appreciated!

Attachment Size
Friend like me.mscz 17.1 KB


Wrong octave. Note that the guitar plays an octave below notation, and those fingerings are an octave above what one might expect. If you transpose the piano part down an octave (and use a "8va bassa" clef as a guitar should, then copy-paste, the notes will wind up on the expectable strings.

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