Yes, but it just happened again... my sin was changing the measure length while it had a note within it. No copy paste required. 6/4 -> 1/2 if you wanted to be really specific.
It happened using 3.3 beta 2? I cannot reproduce. If you are seeing this with 3.3 beta 2, Can you please give precise steps? Here's what I tried:
1) new score 6/4
2) add six half notes filling two measures
3) add a breath after the first
4) use measure properties to shorten the measure to 1/2
Result: no problems with leading space. No problems either if instead of step 4, I select the note after the breath and use Tools / Measure / Split Measure Before Selected Note/Rest.
Hi - long time no see :-)
Were you by chance using copy and paste with this measure? If so, this is a known issue already fixed for 3.3 - see #291932: Copy-paste breaths & pauses causes bad layout of the first note/rest in following measures.
If that's not the case, we'd need the actual score (or an excerpt) in order to investigate further.
In reply to Hi - long time no see :-)… by Marc Sabatella
Yes, but it just happened again... my sin was changing the measure length while it had a note within it. No copy paste required. 6/4 -> 1/2 if you wanted to be really specific.
In reply to Yes, but it just happened… by Laurelin
It happened using 3.3 beta 2? I cannot reproduce. If you are seeing this with 3.3 beta 2, Can you please give precise steps? Here's what I tried:
1) new score 6/4
2) add six half notes filling two measures
3) add a breath after the first
4) use measure properties to shorten the measure to 1/2
Result: no problems with leading space. No problems either if instead of step 4, I select the note after the breath and use Tools / Measure / Split Measure Before Selected Note/Rest.