how to fix the measure

• Sep 25, 2019 - 08:07


I wanna know how to fix measure.

If i remove or invisible the instrument , measure size is change.

So I have to readjusted the text.

How can I fix the measure?

I use Version 2.


Can you share the score and describe (more) clearly what you're trying to achieve, what you do, what you expect to happen and what happens instead?
Also mention which version exactly and on what Operating System (although a sample score would tell)

In reply to by juyeon7565

OK, so it is MuseScore 2.1 (why not 2.3.2? I strongly recommend you to update to that Or even better MuseScore 3.2.3, or even both) on Windows.

Measures size as per their content, unified measure sizes are against all common notation standards, but you can with quite some effort achieve that via add/remove stretch (using the { and } shortcuts) to all those measures.

That text below the top piano staff, is that supposed to be lyrics? If so, why entering it as staff text

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test_2.mscz 27 KB

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