Musescore 3 big blue title screen is stuck on my opening page

• Sep 26, 2019 - 05:27

I have used Musescore 3 many times with no problems. The other day I closed it, but the blue box remained on my screen with a little blue circle going around and around. It has stayed on my screen for days. I have tried Control+Alt+Delete. I have tried re-opening Musescore 3 and closing it. However, that blue box will not go away. I will attach a picture showing the problem. How can I make it go away? I want only the small short-cut icon on my opening page.

Attachment Size
Musescore box stuck on screen.png 1.95 MB


This is the splash screen MuseScore shows on startup. It should go away once startup is complete.

Maybe MuseScore start up and displays outside the vistible screen and there also brings up a dialog (like score currupt, or recocover from recent crash) and waits for you to make yout choice of OK/Cancel/Irnore or whatever? See on how to recover from such a situation

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