Midi Controller not working to input notes

• Sep 26, 2019 - 22:42

I have a Mac running OS 10.9.5 and have Musecore 2.3.2 installed. I just bought a Miditech i2-mini 32 controller that works fine in Garageband. It doesn't have an on/off switch, and is connected via USB. However in Musecore, I cant get it to make a sound. I've got the Midi-Input button and Note Input buttons pushed, and I've selected the measure to insert the note. The on-screen not keyboard works fine.


I got it to work on Ubuntu 16.04 by using a2jmidid and Jack. You can connect MuseScore to Jack under the Edit>Preferences>I/O tab. Expand the MIDI tab in Jack. Your keyboard should appear there. Connect it to MuseScore. You may have to install a2jmidid and start it from the command line.

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