measure numbers below score

• Oct 10, 2019 - 21:45

I want to have my measure numbers appear below all the staves in my score so all the information above the score is less cluttered. Anybody know how to do this?


There is no option to move actual measure number below the staves.

The closest I can suggest is to use rehearsal marks for this purpose, but this prevents you from using actual rehearsal marks. If a rehearsal mark has the same number as the measure it's assigned to, then by default all subsequent rehearsal marks are measure numbers unless they are changed. This gives you the advantage that you can format the rehearsal marks that look like measure number so they appear below the top staff, unfortunately you cannot make them appear below every staff.

This leaves some sort of staff text, perhaps a user defined type, but the automatic measure numbering option will not exist with it.

Measure number below staff should work, via Format > Style > Text styles > Measure numbers > Vertical offset, but that won't move them below system, so won't work well is there is more than one staff per system

If you want to measure number to appear below the staff, do the following:
1. Select the first measure number.
2. Right click and select Select->All Similar Elements
3. Open the Inspector.
4. Unselect Automatic Placement
5. Move the Y Offset until it is at required location.

In reply to by Jesus del Campo

Yes and no. The advice given above was already out of date when posted, it wasn't as bad, and there have been some further improvements made since then. But still no simple straightforward way - it's on the list for future consideration though.

The way to accomplish this currently would be to first, wait until you're basically done editing, or at least done adding staves and measures. Then, use Format / Style / Measures Numbers to enable measures numbers on all staves (and set to interval = 1 if you want them on all measures), then select all measures numbersexcept on the bottom staff and make them invisible (eg, select the first measure of first staff, Shift+click last measure of second-to-last staff, press "V" to make invisible). You can also use the Inspector to set the measure numbers to centered if desired, and hit the set as style button ("S" icon) to automatically apply to all measure numbers.

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