Dal Segno does not take 1st ending
In my score, I have a Dal Segno al Coda, but when playing from the segno, I want it to take the 1st ending in the repeat, as opposed to skipping to the 2nd. How do I do this?
In my score, I have a Dal Segno al Coda, but when playing from the segno, I want it to take the 1st ending in the repeat, as opposed to skipping to the 2nd. How do I do this?
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Tick 'Play repeats' in the D.S. al Coda's inspector settings
In reply to Tick 'Play repeats' in the D… by Jojo-Schmitz
I am using MuseScore 2.3, and cannot see this. What is the equivalent for MuseScore 2?
In reply to I am using MuseScore 2.3,… by Sl1pzGames
It is in 2.3.2 already, actually since 2.2m see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/repeats-and-jumps
In reply to It is in 2.3.2 already by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you!