How to change language to English?
Dear, I downloaded MuseScore 3.0 succesfully. But I selected, by accident, the language "Deutch" instead of "Dutch". I don't understand the German language at all :). So, could I change the language to Dutch (is Netherlands) or to English even?
I tried already to desinstall the program MuseScore from my PC, and then tried to download it again, but the installation wizard does not ask me anymore, which language that I would like. So, this is not a solution.
What can I change to the English version? Thanks in advance. Bernard
But you understand Dutch "Nederlands"? If so German "Deutsch" isn't that far way ;-)
and if everything breaks, see
And instead of using MuseScore 3.0 (where did you get that from?), go to 3.2.3, the latest currently
In reply to But you understand Dutch? If… by Jojo-Schmitz
Your message is maybe funny (maybe for you?), but it is not usefull at all ;) And I bet you don't read Nederlands ;) : Yes, it is pretty far ;)
Anyway, we found the solution!! Musescore, luckely, offers a possibility to re-enter in the installation wizard, where you can select/change the language. (luckely, my friend had some German at school ;)
End good, all good. Cheers
In reply to Your message is maybe funny … by arnauts98
I'm mostly fine reading Nederlands. Because of its similarities to Deutsch
And both solutions I offered should work. They work for me even after accidentially having switched to Chinese