Tied notes
I don't know if this is already possible, but, I can't seem to tie notes together that aren't the same note. If I have 2 different notes and I click the tie button, they both change to the same note. I've tried pushing a lot of buttons, I even looked back at the tours. I couldn't figure out if this was already a feature. If not, can it be added?
Ties (connecting notes that are the same pitch to make a longer note) are to be distinguished from slurs, marking notes as to be played legato, or in a phrase. Ties are made by typing + at the first of the two notes to be tied. Slurs are made by either typing S on the first note (if only two notes are involved), or selecting a region (by clicking on the first, and clicking the second while holding shift) and then typing S.
If you click on a slur or a tie, you will see which one it is displayed in the status line at the bottom of the screen.
Then there's always this...
For slurs, see:
For ties, see: