deleting unnecessary rests

• Dec 14, 2019 - 08:56

hi, does anyone know how to get the music to display both the hands playing together as when i delete the rests, the right/left hand below/above the rest just deletes. and also i put it in 4/4 time but i seem to have too many beats in the bars and no matter what i try and do to change it it never seems to work, any ideas?

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It's not totally clear what is going on here, but first, yes, do not use Insert mode, it's not meant for ordinary music (which is why it is hidden away a bit). That's why you have extra beats in your measure. Go back to the regular "step-time" note input mode. Then you won't get too many beats. Meanwhile, to delete the extra ones you have already created, select them and press Ctrl+Delete.

After that, it is less clear what you are after. Normally you do need rests on each staff to show the full duration of the measure. But you mention hands playing together, and I don't see that happening, so I'm not sure where you want to make that happen.

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