3.4 Beta Compilation

• Dec 27, 2019 - 01:22

M.S. 3.3.4 compiled fine on my Linux system with Qt 5.12.6

Loading up 3.4Beta, I'm getting an error which reads
from ../MuseScore/thirdparty/google_analytics/ganalytics.cpp:4:

(#) if QT_VERSION >= 0x050a00
(#) error Add the datastream version for this Qt version and update Qt_DefaultCompiledVersion

which means, apparently, maybe this build requires 5.9 (5.9.9) (kind of like how the current MacOS build instructions mention)? Figured I should mention it here. Maybe this has something to do with the implementation of telemetry, since google analytics is related to that sort of thing...


Even while using Qt 5.9.9, I can't compile M.S. and receive the same error. Anyone have some "tips" for me?

With the error is:

/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore/qdatastream.h:100: error: #error Add the datastream version for this Qt version and update Qt_DefaultCompiledVersion

Ok, figured it out. I would normally request for this topic to be deleted, but just in case for some weird reason someone else has this problem, it seems to simply be the fact that my Qt installation (which worked perfectly fine for compiling 3.3.2) needed updating. Updating my Linux Mint installation to the current Tricia 19.3 took care of the problem. So if anyone is on 19.2 and has a problem, try a system update with the newer Qt library besides the qt-creator app install.

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