Time/measure stamps on website viewer

• Jan 4, 2020 - 22:12

I thought it would be neat to be able to add time and/or measure stamps (like on Youtube videos) on a score's description on the website so that the player skips to that part of the piece. Specially useful for long pieces.

For example:
1st Movement: 01:01:000 (1st measure, 1st beat)
2nd Movement: 375:01:000 (375th measure, 1st beat)
1st Movement: 0:00 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
2nd Movement: 9:45 (9 minutes, 45 seconds)

The Musescore program has the measure counter, and the website has the regular minutes/seconds counter on its player, so it shouldn't be too difficult to implement, yet it would be unbelievably handy, since skipping ahead pages, or just getting around a piece in general is a nightmare right now, what with the player on both desktop and mobile being quite poor, in my opinion.

Let me know what you think.

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