"Bad Format" error after Musescore Crash
I was working on a rather large file in Musescore when it crashed on me, and now it won't open, reporting a "bad format" error. The automatic backup also doesn't work, so any help would be appreciated.
Attachment | Size |
The_Glorious_Octagon_of_Destiny.mscz | 44.7 KB |
Was this imported from another format (e.g., a midi file)?
See if this opens for you:
You have a vast number of tempo markings you should clean up.
In reply to Was this imported from… by Jm6stringer
That did open it, thanks! The tempo changes are from a plugin to automatically make rit. and accel.
That being said, what was the problem?
In reply to That did open it, thanks!… by meluhdy
I had to delete two of the accel. markings in order to get rid of error messages so that the score would open. I don't know which two exactly as the error message only specified the bad line(s) in the code rather than their visual position in the score.