How do I set the split between bass and treble clef?

• Jan 10, 2020 - 05:01

I arrange and compose music for handbells and I would like to set the split so middle C is notated in the bass clef automatically. How do I set this as a default?


It is not clear what the problem is. I assume you are using a grand staff with treble clef on the upper staff and bass clef on the lower staff. When you are entering notes on the upper staff middle C will appear on the first ledger line below the staff, and if you are entering notes on the lower staff middle C will appear on the first ledger line above the stave. If this is not happening please tell us what is happening and attach a score that demonstrates the problem.

Also note that when you start entering notes MuseScore puts the first one within the stave (e.g. for treble clef from F above middle C to E a 7th above that) but you can change octave after the note has been entered by pressing CTRL+up/down arrow. Thereafter MuseScore guesses which octave to put notes in by keeping them within a range of (I think) a 5th above or 4th below the previous note and you have to adjust octave as needed and as described above (can be tedious when entering an Alberti bass but it gets almost automatic - like playing an Alberti bass).

Notes are entered onto the staff you have selected when you enter note input mode - there is no automatic determination of what staff to use when entering notes. Are you perhaps referring to the "Split Staff" function available when you right-click a staff? A dialog appears and asks you for the split point. Or maybe you are trying to import a MIDI file? By default, in the cases where it seems to make sense to use two staves at all, MuseScore will try to be intelligent and assign notes to staves based on what seems logical, not with a fixed split point, but you can override this using the import panel.

In reply to by robertmusr

And the split function during import does not use a fixed split point (so there is nothing there to edit).

You can import without splitting and then use the Split Staff function available from the staff context menu, which does allow setting a split point.

In reply to by jeetee

Indeed, what I wrote was misleading. I should have been clear that the import panel doesn’t allow you to set the sit point (since as I had already explained, there is no set split point), but rather, that it allows to disable split staff completely. And then you can split later as described.

I successfully split my piano recording into Bass and Treble clef in my MIDI file recorded on my Casio PSX3100. Basically you need to set the split point in your digital piano. For me, it is the middle C note. Anything below the middle C note will become the Bass clef while the rest (right of the middle C) will become the treble clef notes. However, this only works if I record the MIDI file on my casio digital piano and then save the file onto a USB drive and then copy to my PC and open with Musescore. If I were to connect directly from my casio to the PC via a printer cable type A, I can still record my piano notes directly to Musescore, however, it is not able to detect the "split" line and hence all notes will go to the treble clef only. Perhaps some may offer a real time solution for direct inputs.

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