Text size for lyrics

• Jan 10, 2020 - 14:12

I am new to Musescore. I am a vocalist in a small band. One of my colleagues does most of our musescore work with creating and adapting scores. I need a score which has large font lyrics and limited additional information. How can I adopt a score to enlarge the lyric Text for the entire score? Do I have to do it one word at a time? Do I have to make room in advance (height and width) for the size of the larger lyric text?


  1. Select a single syllable
  2. Make sure the inspector is open (F8)
  3. Change the font size in the inspector for this single syllable
  4. Click the small s next to the font size setting; it is the "Set as Style" button

Repeat those steps for a syllable on an even line of lyrics as required, as even/odd lines have a different style setting. The score will auto-adjust placement as needed.

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