Bar Reapeat with Count

• Jan 18, 2020 - 17:38

i use in my drumsheets often bar repeat signs. Often i write over the bar repeat sign how often the bar should be repaetet. I do this with Systemtext. The Problem is, that i can´t set systemtext in the middle of the bar. Systemtext is always at the beginning of the bar. I would like to write the text with Songtext. But i cant set Songtext on a bar repeat sign. The Problem is when i use systemtext and move the text with the mouse to the middle of the bar, the text isn´t in the middle of the bar when i add or remove bars in the noteline.
I hope everybody understand what my Problem is.
Have anybody a solution for this?
I add a jpg that you can see what i mean.

Attachment Size
Bar Repeat with Count.JPG 82.97 KB

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