Chord Symbols above staff in fixed positions and neater look

• Feb 7, 2020 - 16:16

I feel as if this would really help for notating Piano - Vocal sheet music, jazz sheets, and other forms of music, as I use Musescore often for writing for jazz ensembles and for theatre vocal sheets. For example, if I wanted to notate an A13 chord over a G it would look something like A13/G with the 13 in a smaller font above the A, of an F diminished 7 chord to have the common diminished circle sign, or a sus4 chord to have the text in parentheses in a smaller font. Thank you!


Or use Format / Style / Chord Symbols to set scaling and offset values for extension (the number after the root & quality, like the "7" in "Cma7") or modifier (things like "b9"). It's not total control over every element, but if the provided options don't cut it, you can create your own custom chord description file.

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